Hello, and welcome to our newsletter.
We hope you have all had a good week.
In the news this week we have seen the devastating impact of the multiple earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. As we continue to pray for all those who have lost relatives, homes and livelihoods we also recognise that there are enormous physical needs for those who lived in these communities. A collection will be held in our services over the next 2 Sundays for the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Any donations will be sent on to Christian Aid as quickly as possible.
We will also be taking a collection for the same purpose at our Circuit Welcome Service on Sunday 19th February.
If I have left anything out of the newsletter this week please let me know and I will send it out separately, or add it in next week if that's an option. If you wish anything adding for future newsletters please also let me know.
Attached to this email are:
Emmanuel Newsletter
Oasis cafe poster
Warm space invitation
Many thanks God bless
The Leadership Team