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Emmanuel weekly newsletter - 2 August 2020

Writer's picture: Alison PadgettAlison Padgett

We hope you have had a good week - please find below some of the things that have happened this week or that you might want to be involved in over the next seven days:-

Please find attached:-

· A short order of service for the coming week – “Vine at Home 2 August 2020”

· A Reflection for the week ahead

· Children’s activity sheet for this Sunday

· Children’s colouring sheet for this Sunday

· Live your faith

Following the Government announcement around the ability to open Churches, we wanted to let everyone know that we are awaiting guidance from the Methodist Church nationally, and Emmanuel Church building will continue to stay closed at this current time. Therefore, we will not be opening our building for any form of worship this week but we will, of course, let you know as soon as we can meet together again very soon.

However, please join the online Zoom service on Sunday (details below)


We want to bring our Church back to life. To show that we have been alive and kicking throughout lockdown. Building links with each other. With the community. And with God.

How it works:

1. Get yourself a stone – any size

2. Get yourself some materials to decorate – felt pens, paint, material – anything!

3. Decorate it – with patterns, prayers, names, message – whatever you feel is right

4. Take it to church

We want to lay the stones starting at the entrance to the car park and weaving its way all the way around the Church – can we make it?

If you want to join in but can’t get it to Church, get in touch with your pastoral contact and we will arrange collection – we want everyone to be able to join in.

Ask your friends and family to join in too – we want anyone who is connected in any way to the church family to feel part of bringing us back to life. There will be a sign up from Monday for those passing by to join in too. We hope you will join us!


For our service this Sunday, we will be joining with the rest of the Barnsley Circuit for the Circuit Service, which will be a Zoom service beginning at 10:00am.

Topic: Circuit Service at 10am on Sunday 2nd August

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 3471 1094

Passcode: 456499

You can access the service by phone using 02034815237

As usual a recorded version of the service will be available on the Circuit website

Circuit Facebook page (Barnsley Methodist Community)

Circuit YouTube Channel (Barnsley Methodist)

Hope to see you there.

For those who are not online, or have difficulty reading the printed services, you can listen to the weekly Bible reading, sermon and a prayer using your telephone. Simply call our Twilio number and you will be connected. The first voice you hear will be an American woman welcoming you to Barnsley's weekly worship, then, after a few seconds pause, the weekly message will play. These messages are recorded by one of the staff team and typically last between 10 and 15 minutes. The recorded services are changed every weekend.

The Twilio number is a local number, so calls are either free or charged at a local rate, depending on your phone package. The phone number is 01226 337513

If someone you know would like to listen to the short service over the phone and they don't receive emails, please give them a call and pass on the phone number.


Monday 3rd August - Men’s Discipleship Group are meeting virtually again (they meet every Monday, except for Bank Holidays) - to be a part just contact Peter White on: or give him a ring on 07703 567060


During lockdown Emmanuel have occasionally shared in virtual coffee after a Sunday Service – it is an opportunity for people to catch up with friends and other chapels. We're keen to continue to provide these opportunities whilst we work hard to reopen. Therefore we shall be running two virtual coffee mornings in August that are open to every member of the North West. These will take place at 10am Tuesday 4th August and also on Tuesday 18th August. We hope people will embrace the opportunity to meet both existing and new friends, but there will be the facility for groups to "break off" from the main meeting should they wish only to meet their friends. We hope to see you there.

The details for both meetings will be the same (see below).

Topic: North West Coffee

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 5793 7655

Passcode: 899716

Or call in (with the above meeting ID and passcode): 0131 460 1196


Our next Church Prayer Meeting will be on Monday 10th August at 7:15pm on Zoom. We have been enjoying great fellowship and praying at our recent meetings – so join us as we pray through the next phase of the life of Emmanuel.

Here is the link for the meeting:

Cameron Stirk is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 261 759 0671

Passcode: 714422


Looking for something different to do with your children over the summer?

Missing being able to attend a face to face holiday club? Look no further!

We have a week filled with bible stories, action songs, games and crafts ready to beam directly into your home! The Barnsley Methodist Circuit is running a Holiday Club at Home from 10 – 14 August.

Join our specific Facebook group for a week full of fun-filled activities:

In other news…

We are now VERY BUSY starting to plan the reopening of our Church – it is an exciting time but as you can imagine it is not a quick process, and following the guidance being received from the Methodist church we have a number of things to work through before we can confirm when that will be. A big part of that is getting the building ready for reopening. The building has been closed for many months. We have a number of people to reach out to, to make contact with, and to support with the return. And we have new processes and procedures to develop and agree to ensure we are ‘covid-secure’ and its safe for people to attend. We also need to ensure we manage the challenging finances of the church and do this right. All this is far greater than the current capacity within the paid for employees that are part of the church.

We need your help getting OUR CHURCH BUILDING back up and running again.

We know we keep asking. And we wouldn’t if we didn’t believe we needed it. Following the great response to our work through financial giving last week, we want to reach out and ask for your time and talents – big or small. As a family we need to pull together and work together to get our Church ready for worshipping together again. We need practical help at church with cleaning, gardening, maintenance. Practical admin support that can be done from your sofa, and prayerful support to ensure we do this right, keep people safe and return to something that everyone can enjoy.

Joan Booth is collecting the names of people willing to volunteer to contact her on 07845698662 or

If you have even an hour of spare time in a week, we would like to hear from you. All those hours build up and mean we can share the load together to get back together.

You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it (1 Corinthians 27)

LISTEN TO PRAYERS ON YOUR PHONE - Dial-a-Prayer - A FREE phone service to hear prayers and news from the Methodist Church. Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514; Listen to news: 0808 281 2478; the content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.

The Labyrinth - We still want to encourage a people of prayer and reflection. To that end we have marked out a Labyrinth on the top car park at Emmanuel for people to visit and use in their own times of reflection. Clearly social distancing needs to be obeyed – so if someone else is using it, just wait or come back some other time. Read the instructions on the main church doors, then journey into the heart of the Labyrinth – have a time of quiet prayer - and then travel back out again. Take as long as you need – it will be there until the rain washes it away! Suitable for all ages – do it as a family or as an individual. This is not a private facility – tell your neighbours and friends – we would invite anyone in the community to make use of this beautiful space.

Shoe Boxes - We have been in contact with Blythswood Care who have confirmed that they will be collecting and distributing shoe boxes again this year. Leaflets will be available soon, please start collecting and filling your boxes now! They will then be sent in early November to children across the world who are most vulnerable and would not receive normally a Christmas gift.

Foodbank - We sincerely want to thank you for all the generous gifts that you have left for Barnsley Food Bank. We are always amazed at how many, and the variety of, items donated. Please consider that delivery of items to the Food Bank is only done when there is sufficient to warrant a trip to Wombwell, probably every couple of weeks, so please only put items in there that have a long use-by date. Thank you.

Have you any news to share? Tell us and we will share through this newsletter or on Facebook

Many thanks and God bless

The Leadership Team

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