About us
Open to everyone, our lively Church at Emmanuel is open everyday and all are always welcome!

Our services
Held weekly at 10am, led by Ministers, Local Preachers and Worship Leaders, our services are a mix of traditional, contemporary worship and a time of reflection.
We're one chapel in the North West Church, so you can also join in with services at different locations - find out more here.
Read on to find out about the types of services we hold.
10am - Sunday
The 10am - Sunday Service
Held every Sunday 10am to 11am
The whole Church Family meet together at 10am each Sunday.
The service uses a variety of styles week by week, including Be Still, All-Age Worship, Communion, and everything in between. It's ideal for families, children, youth and all ages of adults with a mix of traditional and modern music from the music group and organ.
Run alongside this is Roots, our Children and Young People's group to ensure there is something for all ages each week!
be still
The be still
Held monthly on the first Sunday each month, 10am
This service becomes our be still service where we offer a time for release from pressures and tension of modern day living. The service lasts 40-50 minutes with no sermon, with the emphasis being on quiet reflection and meditation to meet God in the quiet.
The all-age
Each month Roots joins us in our main service in the sanctuary and we offer an all-age worship which is suitable for everyone - like the name suggests!
There is songs, games, time for reflection and lots of things in between - ensuring its interactive, engaging and a little bit lively for everyone to meet God in the noise.
New to attending Church? Read our quick guide below.
Say hello
The main entrance to the Church is up the stairs or ramp. You’ll enter the main foyer and will be greeted by our welcome team and shown into the sanctuary (the main church room). If you’ve come alone and would like to sit with someone for them to chat to you, just tell us and we’ll make sure that happens.
Wear anything
Be comfortable! Some people feel the need to wear their best suit and tie; others feel more comfortable in a pair of denims – we don’t mind what you wear. In the hot weather you may want to wear shorts! If you are attending a wedding or funeral then your host may have an expectation of a dress code.
Sit anywhere
Other than the obvious places like at the piano, on the stage or at the sound desk, sit wherever you feel most comfortable. If you are unfamiliar with Emmanuel, it may be good to sit near the back then you can observe what's happening. Perhaps near the back door so you can make a quick exit if we’re too scary…
The traditions
We’ve listed a few things that may happen during the service to help you feel more comfortable if you’ve never been to one before:
It’s traditional to stand (if you are able) to sing and to sit down at other times. When the collection is taken people may stand as it is brought to the front - don't know why - it's tradition!
Children are always welcome in our services. And you don’t need to be worried about keeping them quiet. But if you are, there are toy bags available for small children to use. We also provide child and young people-friendly sessions during the service (for 3 to 18 year old’s) that anyone can attend.
Everyone is invited to have communion at Emmanuel - you don't need to be a member, a Methodist, be baptised, confirmed or anything else. We serve non-alcoholic wine.
If you don't know the song or the tune, just stand or sit quietly; join in when you can.
It is perfectly OK to leave the service part way through.
There is usually a collection taken at every service. As a first-time visitor, feel free not to contribute to the collection or contribute if you wish – it’s entirely up to you. Just pass the collection plate on.
After the service you can enjoy a cup of tea of coffee and biscuits. Just follow the crowd.