Join us. Together we can.
Did you know we live 8760 hours every year?
2920 hours of that is spent sleeping;
475 hours eating; and
1423 working or studying (or retirement working!).
The rest - all 3942 hours of it - is spent doing all those other things we do. Socialising, coming to Church, relaxing, holidaying, travelling.
Could you give in service at least 25 hours each year of that time - thats just a little more than one day per year - not a lot is it when you put it like that.
It takes almost 5000 volunteer hours (well 4908 hours to be specific) to run the Church. That's just the day to day weekly service, and does not include all the outreach, mission or giving activities we as a Church at Emmanuel are known for.
These volunteer roles are vital to ensure our services continue - and we've identified over 150 of them that we need to fill to continue to serve the Community and live out our mission of: meet God, make friends, and live life better.
In recent years the number of people volunteering across
Emmanuel has decreased.
And a small core of people have assumed many volunteering
roles to ensure we continue.
Covid has given us an opportunity to reflect on this as a
leadership team and as we plan for a new year, a fresh start,
and hope for a new beginning, we are explicitly asking
everyone in the Church Family to sign up, and give a day
or more in service.
We've reviewed every role across the Emmanuel community and have defined descriptions of what we are asking of you, and what skills you might need. We have also given a better picture of what time commitment there would be for each. We don't want anyone to feel that once signed up thats it for life, or that you will have all your spare time taken up in service. We are all part of the great Body of God with many talents and skills. We want to use those, to a level people feel comfortable. And to do that we need every one of you.
Every member of the Emmanuel Family has a skill and talent they can use in service here. All we ask is you sign up to use them and we will ensure we use your talents well. We need EVERYONE. Children. Young People. Workers. Those who are retired. Those who have never served before as not sure what to do.
Are you able to #giveaday?
We've over 150 roles to sign up for.
We're looking for roles to start from September. Training will be given.
We have three types of roles available:
Coordinator - We're looking for coordinators to lead a team of volunteers in a specific area of ministry
Lead - these are roles where when you are scheduled onto a session you will lead the group or activity
Support - these are roles that you will support and carry out tasks as requested by the coordinator
Find out more about them below - or use the tags to filter based on what interests you.
Then sign up using the form at the bottom. Once registered, a member of the Leadership Team will be in touch to match your skills to the volunteer roles you are interested in. Should there be too many volunteers for a specific role, we will discuss alternative options with you.
If every member of the Emmanuel Family gives their time in service this would mean everyone just gives a small amount of 25 hours each year.
Just a little more than one day a year in service. When you think of it like that, it's hard to say no isn't it?