We hope you all had a good week. Have a great week, but please keep the people of Ukraine in your heart.
Ways in which you can support Christian Aid this year!
Paper envelopes will be available for cash donations (GiftAid available); please return these in the offering basket by Sunday 29th May.
Or you can donate online by following this link: https://giving.give-star.com/microsite/christian-aid/christian-aid-week/team/7d883da6-4fe7-4d9c-ab3f-82405c339df3 Your donation will be linked to Emmanuel.
Please give generously when you have your tea & coffee after church on 15th and 22nd May. All donations will go towards Christian Aid on these Sundays.
Please support John & Eileen Feasby’s plant sale on 25th June.
Thank you for your support!
As previously, everything is attached, including this week’s newsletter.
If I have missed anything out of the newsletter that you have sent me this week, let me know and I'll rectify it.
Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water.
Please find attached to this email:-
This week’s newsletter
The Vine at home, a short order of service for the coming week
Bible Study Sheet
Kids' Sheet
Youth sheet - sleepover
Youth - May 29th Meeting
Garden Party at Epworth Old Rectory
Queen's Platinum Jubilee poster
Circuit newsletter
AGM for NW Church notice
Safeguarding notice
Pledges - what will you do to protect our planet?
Many thanks and God bless.
The Leadership Team.