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Emmanuel weekly newsletter - 29 May 2020

Claire Woodward

I hope you have had a good week - please find below some of the things that have happened this week or that you might want to be involved in over the next seven days:-

Please find attached:-

  • A short order of service for the coming week – “Vine at Home 31 May 2020

  • Prayer for the week ahead - “Emmanuel Corona Prayers week 11”

  • 2 Rainbow Patterns – see full details under Good News below

What’s on this week…


This week’s service is different – zoom with us!

This Sunday we’re mixing it up. Via zoom we will host a live service for Pentecost. Joining in with the wider circuit this service will run twice to ensure you can join when is best for you - either 10am or 4pm So rather than following along on Facebook or via the email we send out each week, for this week you will join the service via logging into a zoom meeting. The details are below for you to get the date in your diary. And get prepared. We’re asking everyone to wear something bright and colourful. And to bring along anything party related - balloons, poppers, candles - anything! It is the Churches Birthday after all so we need to celebrate!! We hope you can join us!

Remember choose a time that suits you best - 10am or 4pm. See you then!

Never used zoom before? Don’t worry! It’s easy to join (honest!). Just click the link below on either a computer, tablet or phone. It will open a webpage or the zoom app if you have it (you don’t need it) and it will tell you what to do from there!

Zoom Topic: Pentecost Worship Time: Sunday 31st May at 10am or 4pm - the link will be open 10 minutes before the service starts

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 9991 2333

People can also phone into the service using either: 0203 481 5240 United Kingdom 0203 481 5237 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 810 9991 2333


Our Church quiz night will be on Wednesday 3 June at 7.30pm on Google Meet. All you need is to have a Google account (easy to create) to enable you to join in and some paper and a pen.  If you want to join, contact Cameron ( and he will send you a link to join in.  You can be on your own, or as a family or couple – more fun than high-level competition!


The next Zoom prayer meeting will be onThursday 4 June at 7.15pm (the 1st Thursday of the month).  If you are interested in joining in the prayer meeting, just come along by joining the zoom. Details here:

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 868 2101 1536 Password: 342443

Get involved…

How tall can we go |

We’re still looking for people to grow a sunflower, and also encourage other people to plant a sunflower seed, and post pictures as they grow as we grow hope together.  When we are unlocked you could come, bring them to church and plant them along the back fence?

Hands together in prayer |

Our bunting went live this week and people have been sharing in our community engagement by adding their hand prayers to our Bunting.  It’s not too late to join in!

Resources to use are on site, plus hand sanitiser, but anyone who wants to do the activity at home is also free to do so.  We are inviting people to draw around their hand, cut it out, and then write the first name of someone they want to remember in prayer at this time, or something they are thankful for at this time.  Then we are inviting people to pin their hand onto the bunting, joining hands with the one in front.  It will look like “hands raised in prayer” – but it will also look like hands joined together in unity.  As that is part of the experience of Pentecost we thought it might be a way of connecting with our local community.  If you live local to Church and want to join in, please add your hand to help create our unity bunting.

Help us fill our prayer chain and join hands together!

Knit-a-long |

We have a series of knitting patterns for creating rainbows.  It might be that you want to knit rainbows to give out to friends or neighbours – (with perhaps a note saying you are praying for them?) or if you can make lots, we would be happy to receive them so that they can be left at church in the next few weeks for people to take home.  We have attached two patterns, and if you know some of our older members who could help, then print them a pattern off and include them in helping us to bless our neighbourhood with signs of hope.

Our midweek story…

This week we started a new series of our midweek stories – a way of us sharing the stories of people from across the Emmanuel family. First up was Joan Booth – thank you for sharing! You can find the story here to view (no Facebook account is needed to watch this):

In other news…

  • We are wondering about holding an Alpha course on-line during the Summer months.  We shall use it for exploring faith, asking questions and deepening our walk in faith.  If you have not done a course before please do consider joining.  It will be open to anyone in the North West Church – but we need to know there is enough interest before we set a starting date.  This may be an opportunity to ask a friend, colleague, family member or neighbour to join you on the course.  People are very open to the things of faith and an Alpha course is a great opportunity to help people explore faith.  If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Cameron or ring him for further information on (01226) 207208.

  • Please continue to remember in prayer all those leading our Church and Circuit at this time – including the Leadership Team, Trustees, Circuit staff and all employees (including furloughed workers). 

  • We’ve set the date for our next zoom coffee time after the Sunday service – it will be held on 14 June 2020 at 11.15am. See you then!

  • Cameron and Ben continue to have a day off each week - Cameron’s day off is on Saturday and Ben’s is on Tuesday. 

  • Donations of food for the Foodbank can still be made at Tesco’s in Wilthorpe, but we would prefer only shopping from that store to be placed in the trolley there.  The trolley is quite small and soon gets filled up, which means a lot of extra work for those moving food to the Foodbank.   If you have bought items for the Foodbank from other stores can we suggest that you preferably drop those items not at Tesco’s, but at Emmanuel Church.  The large storage box is at the back of church (where the vestry door opens up onto the back garden – by the traffic cones!) and we are getting plenty of great donations in both places – thank you for your support.

  • For the kids (or young at heart…)

Children’s Pentecost themed activities to keep you entertained this week can be found here:

And some cartoon animations which are free to watch – all Bible based stories:

  • Work with us – please share!

    • The North West Church is looking for a young person between the ages of 18 and 23 to work part time with older people and the socially isolated from September. This role is part of the One Programme run by the Methodist Connexion of Great Britain. The ONE Programme is about  equipping, empowering, and encouraging young people in their discipleship, vocation and leadership. Find out more here:

Circuit news:

  • Linda Stammers has been appointed to work as the Children and Families Worker in the North East Church. Linda begins work on 1 June and we assure her of our prayers and she starts this new role. A more formal welcome will be arranged when the situation allows.

  • The Circuit Meeting planned for Wednesday 10 June will not take place. We hope to arrange a date for a meeting in July and will notify Circuit Meeting members of the date in due course. If it is not possible for us to meet in person this meeting will be held by Zoom.

There have been more great good news stories this week!  If you have any to share please let me know for the newsletter next week (or post them on our Facebook page)

  • Cameron received the following from Jackie Reaney who has been visiting using social distancing on her daily exercise, Irene Wainwright one of our oldest members:

“Irene taught me a poem – she made me memorise it and tested me on it … one of the lines is:

‘God’s healing power is free to all ; our Father answers every call’

So that is one of Gods promises I seek out a lot nowadays!”

  • 3 Point Turn met this week with 10 people present and talked about Generosity.

As an end to this week’s newsletter,

Many thanks and God bless

The Leadership Team

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