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Sharing our news - 20 March 2020

Claire Woodward

Hi All

The Leadership Team at Emmanuel met virtually earlier in the week and we wanted to keep you updated with what we discussed and ask for your help during this current situation. We will send regular email updates weekly, or more if required, during this time.

  1. Please find attached a “Help Form” – please use this to help any neighbours, particularly the more vulnerable, in your neighbourhood. Do any acts of kindness that you are able – witnessing to the love of God (within the safety of infection limits) can be a powerful reminder to people that they are not alone.

  1. We are looking for “virtual” pastoral visitors to reach out to the most vulnerable in our church, in order for us to keep in contact with people who are alone, ill or self-isolating. We are currently highlighting the people in our church family who might need extra help. Would you be able to help? If yes, please email me back ( so I can pass your name and details onto the Pastoral Co-ordinators to get in touch (please let me have your full name, email address & contact number).

  1. Claire W has set up an Emmanuel Facebook page – please join this group. To join, just search on Facebook Emmanuel Methodist Church and Like” the page.

  1. Claire W has also set up a Private Group under the above Facebook page called Emmanuel Family - this is by invitation or request, but we encourage you to join and be a part of our Family chat. People have already been posting messages, prayers, links to worship and anything else we think would be helpful, so that we can support each other at this time (and in the future).

  1. Please also find attached letters from Cameron and Ben - “Emmanuel Corona 2020” an Emmanuel Church Update; “Emmanuel Corona Worship” with online and radio churches services that are taking place on Sunday; “Emmanuel Covid Prayers Week 1”.

  1. “Vine at Home 22 March 2020” – this is a short order of service for this coming Sunday.

Please feel free to forward this email (and any of our future emails) so we can all support and help each other at this stressful and anxious time.

To end this Newsletter Joan B posted a prayer on the Emmanuel Family Facebook page earlier today which I wanted to share

Heavenly Father help me get through this day, give me courage and wisdom,

Remind me to be kind and patient, knowing when to lead and when to follow,

Reminding me what are priorities and what are no longer.

I know that You have the plan for us all and it will come to fruition in your time.


Many thanks

Cameron, Ben & The Leadership Team

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