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Emmanuel weekly newsletter - 10 July 2020

Writer's picture: Alison PadgettAlison Padgett

I hope you have had a good week - please find below some of the things that have happened this week or that you might want to be involved in over the next seven days:-

Please find attached:-

  • A short order of service for the coming week – “Vine at Home 12 July 2020”

  • Prayer for the week ahead - “Emmanuel Corona Prayers week 17”

  • Live Your Faith

  • District Celebration July 2020 Prayer – see details below

  • Reflections from last week on Facebook Family

  • Children’s activity sheet

It was amazing to see so many people at our Gift Day last Sunday – it was really well supported and we thank all those who brought envelopes, cheques and donated electronically to Emmanuel. The total continues to increase as people continue to support the Gift Day, but currently the total received stands at just over: £11,000 which is a tremendous amount! Thanks to all those who have been so faithful and generous in giving to Emmanuel’s ongoing ministry and mission. If you haven’t donated yet and want to – it is not too late! Please contact us.

This is a really good news story – and we hope you want to celebrate and give thanks to God for this amazing provision.

Following the Government announcement around the ability to open Churches, we wanted to let everyone know that we are awaiting guidance from the Methodist Church nationally, and Emmanuel Church building will continue to stay closed at this current time. We will not be opening for any form of worship THIS Sunday 12 July alongside others within the Barnsley Methodist Circuit. We are planning for our return to face to face worship. And we will, of course, let you know as soon as we can meet together again.


Saturday 11 July is the Sheffield District Weekend of Prayer and Celebration (see attached “District Celebration July 2020 Prayer”).


Sunday 12 July – this week we will join the District Celebration weekend as Rev. Gill Newton (our District Chair) brings our message. We will be uniting with many Christians across our region and the Sheffield Methodist District in taking part in this service. As usual we will post the link on our Emmanuel Family Facebook group where you can join us live or enjoy it later in the day – the choice is yours. Any problems finding the group please email us and we will be happy to help.

The link will be shared as usual on Saturday.


Monday 13 July - Men’s Discipleship Group are meeting virtually again (they meet every Monday, except for Bank Holiday’s) - to be a part just contact Peter White on: or give him a ring on 07703 567060


Tuesday 14 July at 7.15pm - 3 Point Turn will be happening this week - if you are aged 13 or over (or anyone in your family is) and want to join in the fun, discussions and fellowship contact Cameron on 01226 207208


The Leadership Team will meet again next week on Monday 13 July, and Emmanuel Trustees on Thursday 16 July – please pray for all involved in the leadership within the life of Emmanuel at these difficult times

We are now busy starting to plan the reopening of our Church. This is not a quick process, and following the guidance being received from the Methodist church we have a number of things to work through before we can confirm when that will be. A big part of that is getting the building ready for reopening. The building has been closed for 16 weeks. That’s 16 weeks of dust and wear and tear that needs to be looked at. We have a number of people to reach out to, to make contact with, and to support with the return. And we have new processes and procedures to develop and agree to ensure we are ‘covid-secure’ and its safe for people to attend. We also need to ensure we manage the challenging finances of the church and do this right. All this is far greater than the current capacity within the paid for employees that are part of the church.

We need your help.

We know we keep asking. And we wouldn’t if we didn’t believe we needed it. Following the great response to our work through financial giving last week, we want to reach out and ask for your time and talents – big or small. As a family we need to pull together and work together to get our Church ready for worshipping together again. We need practical help at church with cleaning, gardening, maintenance. Practical admin support that can be done from your sofa, and prayerful support to ensure we do this right, keep people safe and return to something that everyone can enjoy.

Joan Booth is collecting the names of people willing to volunteer to contact her on 07845698662 or

If you have even an hour of spare time in a week, we would like to hear from you. All those hours build up and mean we can share the load together to get back together.

You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it (1 Corinthians 27)

In other news…

Fancy working with us? The North West Church is also looking for a person of any age to work alongside our OPP and the staff team as a Connections Social Isolation worker with the elderly. This will be working across four areas of the Church – Barugh, Emmanuel, Kexborough & Pogmoor. It is 27 hours per week and is paid for a one year contract. Please advertise widely as we feel this worker will be key for this vulnerable group of people even after the Lockdown has been lifted. You can find the advert here:

The closing date for applications has been extended to Thursday 16 July 12 noon and interviews will be held on Monday 20 July 2020.

Did you see Chris Stampers interview on Facebook? Following on from his midweek conversation with others, Cameron interviewed Chris and has shared his testimony for others to see. This is part of us sharing stories of people’s lives of faith within the life of Emmanuel. You can find the story here to view:

Foodbank - We sincerely want to thank you for all the generous gifts that you have left for Barnsley Food Bank over the last 3 months. We are always amazed at how many, and the variety of, items donated. Please consider that delivery of items to the Food Bank is only done when there is sufficient to warrant a trip to Wombwell, probably every couple of weeks, so please only put items in there that have a long use-by date. Thank you.

For those who wish to follow our services but do not have access to the internet we have now arranged for the Bible reading, Sermon and prayer to be available on the telephone. The only charge for this service is that of a normal local call. The number to dial is 01226 337513. Please share this number with those who you feel would find it helpful to connect to worship in this way.

We have been in contact with Blythswood Care who have confirmed that they will be collecting and distributing shoe boxes again this year. Leaflets will be available soon, please start collecting and filling your boxes now! They will then be sent in early November to children across the world who are most vulnerable and would not receive normally a Christmas gift.

This is the time of year when we normally order Methodist Prayer Handbooks.

‘The Earth is the LORD’s Methodist Prayer Handbook 2020/2021 is this year’s edition and the books can be purchased at £4.15 each, though large print copies are available at £4.50.

If you would like one, please let Cameron know by Sunday 26th July and he will let the Circuit office know.

Dial-a-Prayer - A FREE phone service to hear prayers and news from the Methodist Church has been launched. Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514; Listen to news: 0808 281 2478; Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.

Have you any news to share? Tell us and we will share through this newsletter or on Facebook

And to finish, a post from our Family Facebook page this week

Many thanks and God bless

The Leadership Team

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