We hope you have all had a good week and looking forward to the weekend again. There are loads of new and updated articles in the newsletter this week, lots going on at Emmanuel and across the Circuit – please try to support and volunteer where you can.
It’s finally here!
The circuit youth group are off to 3Generate (the children's and youth assembly of the Methodist Church)later this afternoon for the weekend, please do hold all 17 young people from our circuit, and the leaders, in your prayers as they hope to encounter God, create meaningful connections and just generally have an amazing time. We also wanted to add a MASSIVE thanks to everyone who donated their time and / or money, so that every young person can go – it is really, really appreciated by us all.
Allan is still enjoying some much needed time away on holiday but back later next week. If I have left anything out of the newsletter this week please let me know and I will send it out separately, or Allan will add it to the email next week. If you wish anything adding for future newsletters please also let us know.
Attached to this email are:
Newsletter (2/10/22)
Youth poster (Brierley)
Africa with Love - coffee morning poster
Mental Health First Aid course
Circuit Administrator Job Advert
ECO church update
Recital poster
North West News - Sept 22
Hoyland & Birdwell Community Worker - the story so far
JPIT Sept 2022 newsletter
Collage letter September 2022
Many thanks and God bless
The Leadership Team