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Emmanuel weekly newsletter - 26 June 2020

Writer's picture: Alison PadgettAlison Padgett

I hope you have had a good week - please find below some of the things that have happened this week or that you might want to be involved in over the next seven days:-

Please find attached:-

  • A short order of service for the coming week – “Vine at Home 28 June 2020”

  • Prayer for the week ahead - “Emmanuel Corona Prayers week 15”

  • Children’s activity sheet

  • Children’s colouring sheet

  • Live Your Faith

  • 2 Rainbow Patterns

Following the Government announcement around the ability to open Churches, we wanted to let everyone know that we are awaiting guidance from the Methodist Church nationally, and Emmanuel Church building will continue to stay closed at this current time. We will not be opening for any form of worship on Sunday 5th July alongside others within the Barnsley Methodist Circuit. We will, of course, let you know as soon as we can meet together again.

However, we still want to encourage a people of prayer and reflection. To that end we have marked out a Labyrinth on the top car park at Emmanuel for people to visit and use in their own times of reflection. Clearly social distancing needs to be obeyed – so if someone else is using it, just wait or come back some other time. Read the instructions on the main church doors, then journey into the heart of the Labyrinth – have a time of quiet prayer - and then travel back out again. Take as long as you need – it will be there until the rain washes it away! Suitable for all ages – do it as a family or as an individual. This is not a private facility – tell your neighbours and friends – we would invite anyone in the community to make use of this beautiful space. With big thanks to Pete & Annie Lane & Lucy Stirk for marking out the Labyrinth.

Jackie Reaney wrote this week: “Loved the labyrinth. I have journeyed as a pilgrim around it 3 times now. My daily readings at the moment are all about making every walk a meaningful pilgrimage – journeying with hope and prayer and trust. So that has definitely worked for me.”

Message from Rev. Mick Neal (Barnsley Methodist Circuit) - on Tuesday of this week it was announced that churches can open for public worship from 4th July as long as all necessary guidelines are followed. We are waiting for guidelines to be published by the government and the Methodist Church before we take any further action. However, when we do have the necessary information we will be adopting a phased approach to re-opening of buildings and we are unable to say at this stage either when each chapel will open or when public worship will resume. In the meantime we will continue to make worship available on line each week and also arrange for printed copies of "worship at home" to be distributed to those who have requested them. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. With best wishes Mick (Rev. Mick Neal) Barnsley Methodist Circuit

Last Chance to tell us what you think! The survey closes Sunday 28th June

We’ve been trying lots of different things these past weeks to ensure we continue to connect as a Church family. And whilst we’re busy planning our return, when we are able to, we want to ensure whilst we continue to meet virtually we do this in a way that works for as many of us as possible. That’s why we’re asking for your views. We’ve developed a short survey – just ten questions – to gather your views on what’s worked, what hasn’t, and what we should build on. We want your views on what’s been, but also your ideas on what’s to come. If you can, please take the time to complete the survey – as honestly as possible. We need your views!

This Sunday we are having a change – why not join the Zoom Circuit Service on Sunday 28th June at 2pm or enjoy it later in the day – through the Circuit website: or via our website.

We’ll be singing, praying, reflecting and listen to the message from Claire Rawlinson. Why not join us? Any problems finding the group please email us and we will be happy to help.

The Zoom details are below:- You can access the service by phone using 0203 481 5237 United Kingdom 0203 481 5240 United Kingdom You'll then be prompted for the meeting ID and the password: Meeting ID: 840 9727 6298 Password: 101598

As usual a recorded version of the Circuit service will be available on their website Circuit Facebook page (Barnsley Methodist Community) Circuit YouTube following this link

Our midweek story…

Our midweek stories continue – a way of us sharing the stories of people from across the Emmanuel family. This week is Claire Woodward – thank you for sharing! You can find the story here to view:

Get involved…

Give to Church

It’s now been almost 15 weeks since we met as a Church family to worship together. We’re so grateful for all those that have continued to support Emmanuel financially during this difficult time. We are currently challenged with no rental income from people using the building, limited giving and little opportunity to increase income from other routes. However, there have been some blessings and we are grateful to Barnsley Methodist Circuit for reducing our next Circuit assessment payment considerably and for committing to financially resource the Ignite project for the next financial year. Nevertheless, we need, more than ever before, to look to our Church Family to support us. In simple terms, we have more cash going out than is coming in. So, we ask those who can, to consider prayerfully their individual giving. Can you give more each month? Some people have actually ‘benefitted’ financially from Lockdown with the same income but less outgoings. If that is you, could you give a one-off thanksgiving gift to Emmanuel to support us at this time and to give praise to God? We are reminded by Jesus to give as we can, but to give with thanksgiving in our hearts and sacrificially. We ask you all to keep the financial situation of Emmanuel in your prayers.

In other news…

  • Please remember Rev. Ben Scrivens this weekend as he is received into Full Connexion of the Methodist Church during a service at the Methodist Conference. If you want to follow this on-line then watch the live stream at 6.00pm this Saturday (27th June) by following this link:

Please pray for Ben at this important time and also all other ordinands, especially as their Ordination service has had to be delayed.

Also remember the new President of the Methodist Conference: Rev. Richard Teal and the new Vice-President: Mrs Carolyn Lawrence.

  • The Board of Trustees has met this week to discuss and plan for the future. Please pray for them – and for the Leadership Team meeting this Monday – as they respond to the challenges of this time.

  • Fancy working with us? The North West Church is also looking for a person of any age to work alongside our OPP and the staff team as a Connections Social Isolation worker with the elderly. This will be working across four areas of the Church – Barugh, Emmanuel, Kexborough & Pogmoor. It is 27 hours per week and is paid for a one year contract. Please advertise widely as we feel this worker will be key for this vulnerable group of people even after the Lockdown has been lifted. You can find the advert here: The deadline for all applications is Monday 6th July 2020.

  • Dial-a-Prayer - A FREE phone service to hear prayers and news from the Methodist Church has been launched. Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514; Listen to news: 0808 281 2478; Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.

  • Foodbank collections still are available at both Tesco’s in Wilthorpe and also outside the Vestry door at the back of Church. On-going donations of non-perishable items eg tins, pasta, cereals, UHT milk, tea, coffee, rice and biscuits are all very welcome.

  • We have a series of knitting patterns for creating rainbows. It might be that you want to knit rainbows to give out to friends or neighbours – (with perhaps a note saying you are praying for them?) or if you can make lots, we would be happy to receive them so that they can be left at church in the next few weeks for people to take home. We have attached two patterns, and if you know some of our older members who could help, then print them a pattern off and include them in helping us to bless our neighbourhood with signs of hope.

· How to be missional as we are exiting lockdown in the time of Covid-19?

Why not join a zoom webinar on Thursday 2nd July at 11am to explore this question in a conversation between Revd Leslie Newton, Chair of Yorkshire North and East District, Revd Gill Newton, Chair of Sheffield District and Michael Harvey, Director and Chief Executive of the National Weekend of Invitation, hosted by Revd Carla Quenet, Learning Network, Yorkshire Plus Region? We are dispersed into our neighbourhoods and unable to physically gather in our buildings, but at the same time engaged in prayer and service in our communities. In this webinar we will consider a simple way for Christians to be in mission to touch lives and grow as followers of Jesus in the process, as well as developing relationships for the time when we are able to gather again.

To book your place and to obtain joining instructions, follow this link:

  • Have you any news to share? Tell us and we will share through this newsletter or on Facebook

Men’s Discipleship Group are meeting virtually again on Monday 29th June (they meet every Monday, except for Bank Holiday’s) - to be a part just contact Peter White on: or give him a ring on 07703 567060

· 3 Point Turn will be happening this week – please note this week’s session has changed from Tuesday to Wednesday 1st July at 7.15pm on Google Meet - if you are aged 13 or over (or anyone in your family is) and want to join in the fun and discussion get your parent to contact Cameron on 01226 207208

· Our Church Prayer meeting is on Google Meet - Thursday 2nd July at 7.15pm (the 1st Thursday of the month). If you are interested in joining in this special time of worship, prayer and fellowship with a growing number of Emmanuel people, just come along by joining the zoom. Details here:

Church Worship & Prayer

Thursday, July 2 7:15 – 8:15pm

Just click on the blue box below, or copy the link below that into your browser.

You may need to download the Google App or make sure you have a Google account (just e-mail address and password).

If you want any further help e-mail Cameron or ring him on 01226 207208

· We are working towards our Gift Day on Sunday 5th July. Those in the envelope scheme have received their regular weekly envelopes which we have only recently been able to distribute. Thanks for the volunteers who helped to distribute. On the Gift Day people from 10am – 12 noon & 2.00 - 4.00pm will be waiting at Church (socially distanced) to receive envelopes, and cheques. We may also have a credit card machine available to take electronic donations to support the ongoing life and ministry of Emmanuel. If you have been saving all your offerings, you can bring all the envelopes, or just one, down to church, either in cash form or by writing a cheque. If you don’t have envelopes but want to give a gift, we shall also make envelopes available. If you would struggle to get to church, please let your pastoral visitor know and they can collect envelopes or cheques from you. If you want to give electronically rather than coming to Church personally then our Church Bank details are:

A/c name: Emmanuel Methodist Church

Sort code: 40-09-12

A/c number: 91633023

HSBC Bank - 5 Market Hill, Barnsley, S70 2PY

Please mark your bank transfer as: Gift Day

We hope that people in our giving schemes and those who normally put cash in week by week, as well as anyone wanting to make additional donations to support Church, will support us on this important day. The life and ministry of Emmanuel needs to be resourced and this is a great way of continuing all the good work that happens for now and for the future. Thank you for your support and generosity.

And to finish, a cartoon that was shared on our Facebook page this week

Many thanks and God bless

The Leadership Team

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